PDS Data Release Summary


Aperiodic Data released in January 2025
PDS3 DatasetID or PDS4 BundleLID Title Coverage Release
urn:nasa:pds:galileo-rss-jup-der Galileo Jupiter Radio Science Subsystem Derived 1995.12.08 - 1997.08.03 2025.01.31
urn:nasa:pds:phx_tega_egh_pm Phoenix TEGA Mass Spectrometer Evolved Gas Hopping Mode Peak 2008.06.04 - 2008.10.27 2025.01.30
urn:nasa:pds:mars_mro_hirise_explorationzones_day_2023¹ CTX and HiRISE DEMs by UCLA and UT Austin - 2025.01.27
urn:nasa:pds:maven.rose.derived MAVEN ROSE Derived Data 2016.07.05 - 2024.08.01 2025.01.23
urn:nasa:pds:jpl.dsn.mmm Mission-Independent DSN Calibration Data - 2025.01.16
urn:nasa:pds:msl_chemcam_psv_calibrated MSL ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra 2012.08.16 - 2025.01.15
MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT9-*-V1.0 MARS EXPRESS MARS,SUN MRS 1/2/3 EXTENDED MISSION 9 2023.07.18 - 2023.12.23 2025.01.06
urn:nasa:pds:pvo-sedr Pioneer Venus Orbiter Supplemental Experimenter Data Records 1978.12.05 - 1992.10.08 2025.01.02
urn:nasa:pds:pvo-omag-oefd-anc Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetometer and Electric Field Anc Data 1978.12.05 - 1992.10.08 2024.09.24
¹The NASA Planetary Data System's (PDS) Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node (IMG) announces the release of a new PDS4 data archive titled: CTX and HiRISE Digital elevation models (DEMs) for areas of known scientific interest by UCLA and UT Austin. The purpose of this new archive is to provide three-dimensional information about outcrops and landscapes that facilitate a range of scientific analyses not possible with imaging alone. This archive includes around 2,600 digital elevation models (DEMs); half created using images from the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and half using images from the Context Camera (CTX) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. CTX DEMs in this archive overlap one of the HiRISE DEMs, providing three-dimensional context, but at lower resolution, for the 1 m/px HiRISE DEMs. DEMs locations were chosen from HiRISE targeted for collection in stereo, suggesting an existing scientific interest by the community. This archive results from the NASA ROSES PDART 2020 funding program, with Principal Investigator Dr. Mackenzi Day of the University of California Los Angeles. DOI:10.17189/ervc-mr85.

Periodic Data released in January 2025, all previously announced
Product Type Product Name Release Link
ODY release 90 GRS RadioScience SPICE 2025.01.02 Open